Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1683 of 3212

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Subject: Re: dear No S Group
From: Deborah B. Feder
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 22:00:10 -0000

--- In , "Bonnie's Mail" <ronnieb1@c...> 
wrote: well to get back on subject, I lost another pound this week.

Hey Bonnie I have one word for you,,,,

....being older, not wiser, it takes me a while, but when I stick to 
No S I do lose weight! 

So you mean wisdom doesn't come with years? LOL
I am happy that you both are succeeding Bon. You are probably alot 
closer to your optimum healthy weight than Walt is...and that's 
usually a factor which affects how quickly you lose weight. When 
it's those last dratted ten to twenty it sometimes slows down. 
Don't worry, he will catch up to you and then you can really go neck 
and neck. :)
Congrats on your 16 ounces of adipose gone!
Pick up a lb container of cottage cheese, all lumpy and clumpy, and 
imagine its that pound you just lost, I bet you will be much more 
satisfied than thinking only of a number :)
Deb :)

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