Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1694 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Hi, New Member here.
From: Deborah B. Feder
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 03:18:32 -0000

--- In , "amm105" <Mitchell.Amy@g...> wrote:
> Hi, I'm Amy. I'm 23 and I live in Alabama.. Here is 
> my problem and concern. I am a fastfoodaholic. Now I know that 
fast food should be sparce and eaten in moderation anyways, but is 
it off limits for this diet? 

Hey Amy :)
Welcome to the group!
The quick answer is, no fast food isn't prohibited.
What is are:
Seconds (in fast food land you could call that Supersized portions)
and foods whose main calories come from sugar, ie: soda, shakes, 
donuts etc...)
the exception is that you can have whatever you want on S days.
This doesn't mean be a complete moron and have a gallon of Haagen 
Daz when you have an S day.
Snacks are "when" not "what"
If you want pretzels or chips with a meal, although it might not be 
the healthiest choice, it is considered ok as long as it's part of 
your "one plate" meal, so don't eat a whole bag of pretzels either.
So we are trying to eliminate eating between meals, eating seconds, 
and lots of sugar.
It will be nice to have some "new blood" here.
The groups members span the decades, and I will say that you are in 
the "youngsters" category...That is until you compare your age to my 

son Richard, who is eight, but fortunately he isn't overweight yet, 
and I hope God willing that he never gets that way.
Good luck and don't worry about "stupid questions" we are all full 

of them!

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