Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2771 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:38:51 -0800 (PST)

Hi Tom, 

--- Tom <tomgunterman@...> wrote:

> I've been doing nos a little over a year. I drank a
> big cup of coffee every morning - it got 
> into a habit. I see no problem with it - it's just a
> big cup. I don't put sugar in it and don't 
> believe in lowfat milk, whole milk, or half and
> half. I believe in doing it right - I use only 
> heavy whipping cream. Anything else is water.

Thanks for posting this. I drink my coffee black (and
strong), usually, but that's mostly because I like it
that way. I don't pretend there's a huge health/weight
loss benefit in doing this, and when I do put
something in, it's something real. The amount of time
people obsess about the tiny little splash of milk or
the couple sugar cubes in their coffee seems totally
disproportionate to me. Especially when they wolf down
half an Entenmann's cake at midnight to make up for
this little virtue. You'd have to pour a *lot* of
cream and sugar in your coffee to get anywhere near
the caloric content of a coke. Keep the focus on the
egregious offenders. If you feel the need to knock out
coffee calories and are capable of making this
sacrifice, great. But that's bonus at best. You
shouldn't be worrying about bonus unless you've got
the basics down.

I don't want to undercut the resolve of successful
dieters, no-s or otherwise, who have knocked out cream
and sugar in their coffee. If this is you, great,
you're a champ. But I do want to warn those who are
having trouble sticking to the basics that stuff like
this can be a dangerous distraction. If you're wolfing
down coffee cake as a midnight snack, it doesn't
really matter what you put in your coffee.

Note: by coffee I don't mean the candy drinks they
serve at starbucks and dunkin donuts ("frappe
mochachino," "coolata," etc). These are essentially
coffee flavored milkshakes. If this is what you mean
by cream and sugar, then yes, it's a problem.

> Also, don't expect 3 lbs a week. My advice, don't
> expect anything. Just do it.

Amen. That's the secret of this diet: there is no
secret. You just have to do it. Don't worry "will it
work?" It'll work as long as you do. And it's not that
hard. The hardest part is resisting the sneaking (and
erroneous) suspicion that there is a solution out
there that does not involve work. 


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