Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2967 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Intro to me :)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 23:44:18 -0000

--- In , "feand_ish_girl" <mayoihumbert@g...> 
> Hi,
Ok, so I should confess that I'm only joining half-essed here. 
*snerk* I'm only taking on the "no sweets" part of the plan. I'm a 

grazer, and I like it that way.

...Hey Mayo! Deb here :) I liked that little "snerk" heh heh... 

Welcome and good luck with getting to your goal... If not for 
nothing, maybe your "hardcore" good example can be encouragement for 

others, even though that's not what you are looking for...
Do not fail!!! LOL :)

>I became a whole-grain convert a few years ago, and it was a slooow 

conversion from white bread to that fake wheat bread that is brown 
but is still made with enriched flour to whole wheat bread to 
stoneground whole wheat bread or sprouted wheat bread. 
....That sounds delicious! White bread is mushy gushy paste as far 
as I'm concerned... Did you ever try something, I think is called, 
Lavash bread? It's like pita...

>Does anyone have an idea, preferrably with link and pic? I was 
thinking something along the lines of Britney Spears
...LOL, how old are you Mayo? I am just curious... For many of us 
here in the nearing and just made it to 40 age bracket, not looking 
like Kathy Bates is a starting goal (just kidding Kathy! We love 
you too! Just don't hobble me now with a sledgehammer!)
Well one can dream... In the meantime, you might want to check out a 
site which was mentioned on Shovelglove a few days ago, called 
She seems quite fit indeed and not wishy washy, since you are 
craving the hard core stuff...
Here's a link too, that shows a woman who is a rawfooder and she is 
basically your height but at 100 lbs... No she isn't really muscular 
so sorry if it's not exactly what you requested... And it's *not* a 
picture of me! LOL :)
Are you doing Shovelglove now? Maybe I'll see you there!
here's the 100 vegan raw lady's site

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