Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1692 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: Two lbs and holding/ Debs rant about home challenges....
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:25:14 -0400

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Deborah B. Feder" <deborahfederlmt@...>
> I believe that Willpower basically is the Force that allows us to achieve 

> our Destiny and is extremely important, however discipline is more 

> reliable and you need both.

Hmm! Well, my statement was just based on a different definition of 
willpower. In a dieting context, "willpower" has always been the word used 

to describe one's ability to say NO to every food that ISN'T on THE DIET, 

for a period of hours, days, weeks or months...however long one can continue 

holding on and denying one's desires. If your willpower is strong or your 

desires are weak, any diet may work. However, most of us with a weight 

problem haven't been helped by diets because they depend mainly on willpower 

and willpower is like walking a tightrope. One quote that has stuck in my 

head for years: "Willpower is sitting in an ice cream parlor with your 

friends, drinking black coffee while everyone else eats ice cream. 
Discipline is have a small dish of ice cream and later eating less or doing 

a bit more exercise to balance out the effect of the ice cream."

A bit less exotic than Eastern Philosophy 101, but that is my understanding. 


>....That is going on the assumption that we are dealing with a rational 

>person...And as exaggerated as this sounds my mom will
never "approve" of anything common sense from me and in general tries to 

keep me as miserable as she is..This is the kind of "love" she got as a 
and she knows no other brand...

So sorry to hear about that! I do believe you, because I've known people 

like this--but fortunately I'm not related to any of them. I think I was 

assuming that your mom was more or less similar to my mom or perhaps my 

grandmothers. Oops, wrong assumption! Well, don't give up, and 
(unsolicited advice) do try pitying her when all else fails. I've 
discovered that helps with some truly impossible people! =)


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