Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3198 of 3212

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Subject: Re: What 10 diet plans cost
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:54:27 -0000

--- In , Reinhard Engels 
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote:
> For a moment I did a double take and thought the
> bottom entry read "Nos diet." No such luck. 

.....Ah who needs to be in Forbes anyways! LOL...
Reinhard, face it... You do deserve money, and you are a great 
writer, not a good one, a GREAT ONE... If you wrote a novel it would 
be wonderful, as is NoS... I think it's time for you to make it big 
and present NoS to some alternative health publishing group, in book 
form. I say alternative, because, you are really very different 
than all the bs that's out there, and a major breath of fresh air!
No pills, no shakes, and geared towards people who truly want to 
focus on transformation and self help.. The kind that doesn't 
evaporate or abandon you like any other fad diet...
You already have a cult following here who love you and are 
healthier because of you, and I believe you deserve major 
recognition, and deserve to be thanked and deserve money.
What about that "Little Supermarket" sized book you thought of...
Couldn't you at least try to sell those, of course at a fair price?
And what the dickens ever happened with that inept Alexa site?
I wouldn't bother selling through those bozos!
I bet all your friends and NoS family here would even contribute 
before and after photos or NoS vignettes for authenticity in a group 
results chapter...

Hope you converts from other systems are enjoying your extra 15
> to 80 dollars a week! 

... Yeesh! That's a lot of green, yikes!
(So cough some up for our beloved founder! LOL just kidding guys!
You know me :).."The best things in life are free!" (from the 

song "Money, that's what I want")

Wishing you Peace,Prosperity and
Much Love,


 © 2002-2005 Reinhard Engels, All Rights Reserved.