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yesterday i hired an advocate, who tried to set up a meeting > at the school, and no one will call her back..these people are going to force me to be a bitch) - it is a fine line between getting all that you need and pissing everbody at the school off..... and that is a lot like pissing off the waitress, it ensures bad service. Hey Donna :) You are not talking about just getting a cold cup of coffee. Don't back down...Unfortunately it does sound like you will have to fight...Clearly you are up against a wall with the administration...There is no need to be a bitch, but let them know you will accept nothing but their total cooperation. Hope your advocate helps get what you need for your son. Is this too much of a can to open, possibly, but, how good is the quality of your relationship with your son these days? I liked Hana's suggestion of having you ask your son to help you succeed with NO S planning...Maybe him being the "helper" and not always the "helpee" (is there such a word?) will take some of the focus off of how much chaos is in his life now, and might give you some extra powerful home support? I guess at a certain age, kids don't want to have much to do with the parents because is just ain't cool...But maybe this would strengthen your bond in this tough time? Meanwhile, you should enjoy your S days and count your "S"crewed up days as just that...Move on you are beating yourself silly and it is unnecessary, and as Reinhard described in his original site diet mentality "psychological suicide" Peace, Deb You will find your way through this time... |
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