Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1684 of 3212

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Subject: This diet may start having spinoffs
From: Deborah B. Feder
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 22:17:03 -0000

Hi Reinhard and Friends :)
Yesterday I clicked on the MSN cover story of the day which had the 
lead in header of "seven ways to fail" or something like that, on 

your diet.
Then when I got to see the title of the article it was, get ready,,,

"Glutton and Sloth.." (and something else...)
Where have I seen *that* before? Sound familiar?

I wonder? Is there actually a copyright on the 7 deadly sins?
Had some really great cheesecake at a diner today.
Something I haven't enjoyed for well over a year.
I feel very slothful, LOL :)

Also, did a massage today on a gentleman who works out and plays 
hockey like 6 days a week...It into the old fashioned faves of 
exercise like sqauts.
Let me tell you, I am only 5'3" and usually when someone is bigger 

than me I don't have much trouble moving there arms and legs for 
repositioning, and passive or active isometric stretches, because 
most people aren't that muscular...Well this guy pushed me to my 
limit and I can tell you first hand
Muscle *definitely* weighs more than fat...We are talking 
about "Thud!" kind of heavy!
I am pooped :)

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