Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1734 of 3212

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Subject: RE: [nosdiet] I HATE IT WHEN I DO THIS !!!!!!!!!
From: Americana5er
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 01:35:19 -0700

Oh Donna O,
Lets see, granola bar (not twinkie), apple (not Ben&Jerry), 1/2 a
godiva (not all of it), and a hand full of nuts (a type of food only to
be avoided on a high fat/high sugar diet), it was mostly healthy stuff.
Wish my S'ing (not Sin') was as mild. But, even if you grossly
understated you still turned it around. Way to go!!
So you had a multi-snack episode, did your total calories exceed a
full plate of dinner? By your actions you turned a snack into a meal,
remember you get 3 a day. You just had it early. While not within the
positive habits of noS you can work on that another day, but not
Saturday or Sunday (they are part of the whole [holistic] design).
Forget this day and move on with the plan, each success helps build the
habit. The habit builds the lifestyle.
Together the parts of noS work in harmony. If you hit a sour note,
would you stop singing the song, or enjoy the serendipity of the moment
and continue to sing from your heart.
Love yourself, we do, David H.
-----Original Message-----
From: alexfallsmom@... [mailto:alexfallsmom@...] 

Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: [nosdiet] I HATE IT WHEN I DO THIS !!!!!!!!!

i started eating when i left work today... granola bars at work, then an

apple in the car home
1/2 of a godiva chocolate bar and a handful of nuts at my mom's house(
i had to pick up my kid) and i feel completely too full for a sit down
with my kiddo, and like a complete loser for giving in to the urge to
binge. i 
hate it when i do this, but i am breaking the binge cycle by e-mailing.
i plan 
to eat nothing else today. does this sound like a good plan ? after all
just ate more tha enough calories for a meal. donna o

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