Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2030 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Sambos snacks
From: julie
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:37:03 -0000

--- In , sammy ominsky <s@a...> wrote:
> HI Sam,That great you have passed that 1 week mark, thats the 
toughest. I have been at this 3 weeks, and I must say that it took 
about a week of over eating at my three meals to see how much would 
actually fill me til the next meal. Give yourself some time too. I 
too was a small meal and snack person, never allowing myself to 
really be hungry. It feels really good now to get good and hungry. 
Keep reading the post and before long you will be joining in the 
hilarity. We all find it encouraging knowing we are no longer alone 
in our quest to be healthy and lean(the word for the day):))
> Have a great weekend Julie
> The biggest problem I have is that was used to eating small meals 

> snacking in between. It's hard to put enough food on my plate to 
> through the day (I didn't, by the way! I had a beer and 
> left it at that.)

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