Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2646 of 3212

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Subject: Re: joining (and also a thank you to Deb)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:31:39 -0000

--- In , "Penny" <penny_n_max@y...> wrote:
> Hi my name is Penni. Good luck to everyone I am going to start 
this no s-diet tommrow but i'm not going to cut the pop all the way 
out yet.. I am going to try to go to 3 pops a week and then 2 then 1 
> then none. I think that might b a little easier. 
.....Good luck Penny, I was never a huge soda drinker, but I will 
say that when you cut it out and then have it only rarely, on S 
days, it tastes much better! In the meantime, try to substitute 
your soda with sparkling water and a splash of juice for taste. 
Much healthier! You can do it! :) Imagine, you will be cutting 
thousands and thousands of calories by just eliminating soda! 

But it's going to be hard cause My room mate tells me everyday that 
i am fat and it hurts me and then I just want to eat and eat. 
.....That sucks! It is very important to have support at home. I 
don't know what your relationship is with your roomate (college?) 
but I suggest you write a polite but firm note telling them "If you 

don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and if 

they are your friend, and not just roomate, you might want to add 
that if they really care about you they will try to be kind to you 
instead of cruel. If that doesn't work, just let them know that 
this crazy girl you know who swings a 12 lb sledgehammer as daily 
exercise would be happy to come out to where you guys live and
Kick her Ass!
Supportively Yours,
Debbie :)
Welcome aboard!!!

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