Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2648 of 3212

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Subject: Re: joining (and also a thank you to Deb)
From: julie
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:30:47 -0000

--- In , "Penny" <penny_n_max@y...> wrote:
> Hi Penni, Welcome to our group:)I was also a very avid Pepsi 
drinker.i have been doing this since oct. i believe and it has taken 
me this long to kick the habit. I immediately,the first week allowed 
diet pepsi. Not good for you but sugar free.I then put it on s days 
only. That was pretty easy actually and something to look forward 
to.This past weekend was my first weekend without any at all !!!In 
fact i didnt even miss it. saw we were out and had a glass of tea 
instead. There are several people i know of personally that have 
lost mega ## just from cutting out coke/pepsi from their diet and 
nothing else ! I think that is amazing and if that was my problem 
food i would defintely give it up.We aer all here for you adn 
rememebr its one day at a time. dont be too hard on yourself. I 
recommend making your apt. food safe. Take out your snakcy 
food,sugar and colas. I tended to over eat my first week, thinking i 
would go hungry between meals when in fact i would have been fine. 
But we all must do what it takes to make it work for us as 
individuals. Stay in touch and good luck. Julie
> Hi my name is Penni. Good luck to everyone I am going to start 
> no s-diet tommrow but i'm not going to cut the pop all the way out 

> yet.. I am going to try to go to 3 pops a week and then 2 then 1 
> then none. I think that might b a little easier. But it's going to 

> be hard cause My room mate tells me everyday that i am fat and it 

> hurts me and then I just want to eat and eat. But I am going to 
> to do this. My e-mail is Penny_N_Max@y... if anyone would like 
> to share how they r doing on the diet. Well good luck to everyone 

> and i'll let u know how i am doing in the next few days and weeks
> Bye-Bye
> Penni

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