Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2659 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Delicious healthy dessert :) yummmmm
From: julie
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 20:42:17 -0000

--- In , 

> Hi Deb,. sounds yummy, will pass this onto the kid as she is the 
smoothy maker of the family. I like to frappe things other than 
fruit. haha just kidding LOL. I also buy the big bags of 
strawberries and rasperries($$$) once in awhile. i would think as 
long as there is NO sugar it would be an official "safe" 
food.Strawberries are very sweet to begin with, so maybe try without 
the sugar. Frappe away !!! ttyl Jools
> >
> Frappe until well mixed in blender
> > really have to use frozen

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