Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2686 of 3212

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Subject: Law of Niceness
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 14:44:26 -0000

--- In , Philip Newton <philip.newton@g...> 
> My "Law of niceness"? What's that?

....I was playing off your last name, which is the same as Sir 
*Isaac* Newton, famous for his "Laws" including the law of gravity.. 

Remember him? The apple-falling-on-the-head guy...
I almost made a corny joke about "how's your cousin *Fig* Newton?"
but I decided on Sir Isaac instead (who happened to invent fig 
newtons!) And since you were nice I decided to make up a "Law of 
Niceness" by Sir *Philip* Newton... Get it? LOL... Okay I am corny!
Where do you hail from? 
"Cheers" makes me want to guess at merry old England, but you may 

just be from Boston (new England)

> Wish me luck, too; I'm going through a pretty s-y phase right now 

and need to get back on the wagon.
....Do you mean the hayride wagon? Or the *other* kind of wagon?
Whichever one, just hold on tight!

....S--y phases are supposed to be learning experiences, too bad 
they are so S--y though. My good vibes are going out to you right 
this very moment :)
Like they say in Monty Pythons "Life of Brian"
"Always look on the bright side of life"
(whistle doo doo doo dee doo)

Deb :)

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