Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2690 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] A tiny snack -- didn't want to explain
From: sammy ominsky
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:43:04 -0500

On Jan 21, 2005, at 07:26, Bonnie's Mail wrote:

> just ate, or can't do sugar, or too full from lunch. If they insist, 

> as they
> do and will,

Um, I find it fairly simple to say "No thanks, I don't eat between 

meals". Anyone who can't accept that and *insists* you eat something 

needs a shovelglove upside the head. Or at least a dirty look and a 
good telling off (in a polite way if they're in a position of authority 

over you).


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