Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 270 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] 3 Welcomes
From: Kevin
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:51:42 -0400
I'd also like to extend my welcomes to the most recent members. Hope you 

find everyone as supportive and pleasant as I have. Next I hope every has 

started their year out as well as I have, some say, you can tell how your 

year will be spent by what you're doing at the stroke of midnight, well then 

I'll be rockin' all year, and losing weight t'boot. I spent the night at a 

concert in lovely downtown Chicago and the Vic. Then went for "the first 

White Castles of the new year" as is tradition. Though this year we broke 

our tradition of making doughnuts, way too many doughnuts and gourging 

ourselves upon them and sparkling grape juice, which I'm very happy about. 

I'm down fifteen pounds, and family could see it at our Christmas get-
What did everyone (or anyone who cares to answer) else do for new years? I 

hope everyone had a good, safe night.

As to the person who sent out a letter shortly after this that I'm replying 

to, this webmail is too difficult to go back and see what the name is of this 

person, sorry, peanutbutter, I've found to be my best friend. It's great in 

the morning on a bit of toast. Or to dip your breakfast apple in (I heard 

that an apple gives the same amount of energy as a cup of coffie, dunno if 

that was here, or elsewhere) giving you the needed protein to start your day 

off. I don't eat spoonfulls or anything, but don't toss it away. :) 

ANYHOOO, just wasting time at work here, so I don't have to go back to my 

boss and say I have nothing to do. Everyone have a nice day, week, 


Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

---------- Original Message -----------
From: dbrock0013@...
Sent: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 07:59:00 EST
Subject: Re: [nosdiet] 3 Welcomes

> Hey!! What about me?? Just kidding.. I'm new here as well and saw 

> your site while looking for ways to change my eating habits. So far,
> my husband and I are doing fairly well. Its very hard to resist 
> the tempting treats brought to us during the holidays. I ended up 

> bringing a lot of them to work with me. Now for the late night 
> snacking especially on the weekends.. I hate to say this..but.. I 

> dread the weekends at times!!{ don't tell my boss!} Anyway, thanks 

> for letting me vent. Have a sweet {as in nice} new year! Brooke R.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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