Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2700 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Hi, everyone
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 02:55:52 -0000

--- In , "noteasilyled" <bayneiac@s...> wrote:
> Time to go un-incognito... 
.....Hey nice that you are now cognito Sheila, welcome and congrats 
on your first week :)

I knew immediately that this is the answer!!!!For life!!!! It's like 
finding your soulmate... you can't find the right one until you're 
......That's excellent! Your enthusiasm is well warranted and I 
feel the same.. It's an instantaneous "click" in the brain with NoS 

reasoning.. very clear, no BS.... the "Diet of our dreams!" Tall 

dark and something we want to be with and no resentment for secrets 
and baggage.. it's an honest, intelligent and respectful partner :)

>I also have a June goal -- I don't wanna turn 50 and be fat! I 
think I can handle a 20 lb. weight loss during the next four months, 
don't you think?
.....You can do it Sheila!!!! You are armed for the battle of 
the "bulge" LOL :)
Good luck to you...

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