Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2734 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Hi, everyone(protein & calcium supplents)
From: julie
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:54:51 -0000

> HI Sheila,

Hey dont worry about that supplement, its good for us women! I am 
really glad to hear you are not feeling deprived, thats the best 
part :). Wait about a week before weighing, i think you will be 
pleasantly surprised. Have you started an exercise routine? I have 
recetly taken up the treadmill and i can really tell a difference. 
Not sure how old you are but i am in my 40's and the older I get the 
harder it gets to lose the bulge. so anything i can do to speed it 
along the better.I am an impatient woman. I want to grow old 
gracefully and looking good, being fit and most of all healthy.
As far as grazing goes, thats for cows who regurgitate their food 
daily,not for us humans :) Have a great day Julie
> having a protein or calcium supplement 
> between meals that I know has about 10-20 calories. I mean, we are 

> talking a tablet or two, no more. 
> >

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