Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2736 of 3212

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Subject: Coffee and Cream
From: us4savells
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 23:36:55 -0000

Hi all. I just found out about NoS today and thought that maybe just 
maybe it's the miracle I've been looking for. I've tried them all and 
been successful on them all, but if it's not a change I can live 
with, then it's not a diet I can do anymore. I am almost 30 and I 
have my food habits built. While I can change / tweak them a bit over 
a long period of time, most things I do not want to give up...
So, I would be better off without coffee. And by coffee, I mean - it 
must have cream in it - not whipping cream, but 1/2 &1/2 or light 
cream. Not substitutes! I'd rather drink nothing!!
Coffee gets me thru the day eating much less. It's my security 
blanket and my snack. It's a make-me-happy, pick-me-up... it's 
everything! :c)
Now if you told me right now that I would not lose 3 lbs a week that 
I would lose if I quit my coffee and cream habit, I would be able to 
stop and would eventually find something else to soothe me needs... 
but PLEASE dont!! Does coffee and cream hurt SO much? does it count 
as snacking when snacking is not allowed??
Oh - I'm also hypoglycemic.... most days I can make it on a strict 
diet (because again, I've tried them all), but sometimes I get dizzy, 
light headed and psychotic too :c) lol!!! Coffee helps with that 
So tell me honestly - how bad is it?? I am planning to start this 
tomorrow - so if cutting down to one coffee a day is the answer, then 
darn it, I will do it... :c(
Thanks all!!

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