Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2763 of 3212

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Subject: checking in
From: Michael Caricofe
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:56:06 -0800

Hi guys and gals,

Sorry I've not been writing or reading lately much. The OneAct
Festival at our college that I'm lighting opens tonight and it's been
a hellacious week.

Anyway, I'm doing fine with the program, but trying to not get
discouraged as I don't feel that I'm losing any inches or weight.
Apparently, I'm just eating more at meals which cancels out the sweets
and junk I'm not eating through the week.

And I've not had any time for exercise this week, either.


(PS to Debbie: I'm going to reply to your email from a long time ago,
honest, someday!)

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