Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2778 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: julie
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 18:49:53 -0000

--- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> This of course is without whipped cream! :c)

Hi Kristie, There is nothing in this EP that prohibits whipped 
cream. There is no sugar in it ! and sugar is the "only" food group 

we do without until SSS days. So girl dont worry about it,I really 
feel you need to take one day at a time. 

> Has it done any good? All of this cutting out I have 
> done? No, I still feel fat. I just hid my scale last night but 
hadn't lost a pound :c(

If you want instant results this ep is probably not for you :)

> Well, I'm not quitting - I'm sticking this out for the next 3 

Good for you, but beware, it might take longer, again, lets just 
look at this one day at a time okay ?

> I'm going to be very careful on weekends too - since this 
> really is similar to how I've been eating forever now... :c)

Remember SSS days are for ssing , dont be too strict on yourself or 
next week will be a killer. Nowi am on my way to Buckys to enjoy my 
Caramle Macchiato with whipped cream !! have a great SSS'N weekend 

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