Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2797 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Signing out for a bit
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 10:49:11 -0800 (PST)

Hi Diane,

--- Diane Sheats <Diane_Design@...> wrote:
> I need to go "No Mail" for a while so I can
> concentrate on some important 
> projects. Even skimming and deleting is taking more
> time than I can spare now

The post volume is really getting a little
unmanageable. On the one hand I think it's great that
so many people are fired up about no-s, on the other
hand it's difficult even for me to keep up (who am
presumably more interested than anyone). For those of
you who are tempted to tune out and leave the group
because of the volume: hold out a little longer. I
hope to have a more manageable web based bulletin
board system up within the next month or two. Instead
of gazillions of emails you'll just go to a web page,
get an overview, click on threads and messages you're
interested in and ignore those you're not. Yes you
*can* kinda sorta do this with yahoo groups, but it's
clunky. Both the casual and the obsessive user should
get a lot more out of it this way. Plus no more full
screen atkins ads.

In the meantime, we'll miss you Diane. Thanks for the
parting poem and good luck on your important projects.


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