Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2806 of 3212

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Subject: Re: People are not clutter.....
From: us4savells
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 12:21:14 -0000

Hey Deb - I wasn't feeling very guilty :c) It's OK. Thank you for the 
warm welcome :c) 
<--- drinking my coffee with cream now :c) 

--- In , "Debbie Feder" <deborahfederlmt@h...> 
> --- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> 
> > I'm sorry to have added to the clutter - I tend to have a lot of 

> > thoughts and questions!! lol!!
> ...Kirstie, puleese! Not one of your posts, in my opinion could be 

> considered clutter, and I have enjoyed your presence. Besides, who 

> cares about being such a neat freak about the appearance of your 
> inbox anyway? As long as you are working on your habits. Isn't 
> our main mission here? I thought this was a support group! Not 
> postaholics anonymous! LOL :)
> I tend to write a lot too, though I have cut my posts from (heh 
> at times 8 a day, to now 3 to 5 LOL :) It's not like you are all 
> going off on a totally unrelated blog concerning some obscure topic 

> like; the mating habits of the dodo bird!
> Also, to quote a friend (you know who you are) this isn't 
> "Mao's China"... It would be a real shame if people started to feel 

> guilty or as if they were walking on eggshells because they 
> are "adding to clutter" simply because they want to keep the 

> conversation lively and ask questions... 
> Otherwise it might turn into a pretty boring place.
> Probably the most important part of this site for me is I can get 

> feelings out and really get helpful support...
> Keep posting Coffee girl! We love you and need someone to have 
> coffee with! (rather than someone who would sedate us into a 
> confused slumber,,,snore...... LOL)
> Love,
> Deb :)

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