Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2829 of 3212

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Subject: Re: So far so great
From: julie
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 16:29:04 -0000

--- In , "noteasilyled" <bayneiac@s...> wrote:
> HI Sharon, Glad to hear from you and that you are happy with this 

way of living. Thats wonderful! For some people it just clicks, i 
think part of the reason is why they are doing it. You " want to be 

a thin person with good habits". That is so much bettter than saying 

i want to lose 15# or 50#. Its a life style goal and a healthy 
attitude. Not wanting it instantly shows adult mentality instead of 
the child attitude" but I want it now !!!" I have days of both 

personally to be honest. Mainly because i know what it feeels like 
to be "thin". But i have never really had good habits formed until 

now. Its a wonderful feeling isn't it, knowing you are in full 
control and you even give yourself permission to take it easy and 
still you choose to not indulge.Woo hoo ! You inspired me you 
newbie! Updates from everyone really do help, so i am so glad you 

Peace and blessings to you & your family


> but I just wanted to check in to say that this way of living is 
> really living! I weathered my first crisis-- a death in the 
family --> I haven't posted much and I haven't posted in about a 
week or two, 

> and, although I wanted to designate some days as "special", I 

> wasn't tempted to eat much at all. There was just no going 
> overboard, even though I sort of gave myself permission to. 
> This involves very little will power for me, since my purpose is 
> primarily to lose weight, but to become a thin person,with good 
> habits, who doesn't feel deprived on the diet seesaw, for the rest 

> of my life. I am not weighing yet -- I'll wait until I really feel 

> like there has been a big difference, which I am already starting 

> see. I find that when I want to look thinner the next morning, I 
> just have a lighter dinner and/or exercise more. I crave healthy 
> meals because I want to feel good. This is so great!!
> I wanted to get off my chest the fact that I sort of had seconds 
> tonight, although I started with a tiny portion of lean meat that 

> was doled out to me, so my plate wasn't at all full, and it wasn't 

> portion I would have normally chosen to put on my plate. So I had 

> couple of small brisket pieces more. Now you know I'm not 
> Have a great weekend, everyone.
> Sheila

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