Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2847 of 3212

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Subject: Re: News Flash: "Bananas curse postings"
From: hackedorf
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 21:44:52 -0000

--- In , "Debbie Feder" <deborahfederlmt@h...>

> ....That is a great way to put it "Hack" or is it "Dorf" LOL 

It's Cari but the email addy describes perfectly how I feel about my
weight gain since I turned 30!

> Prey is the perfect word to describe certain types of insomnia... 

> I'm good now thank God, it was a temporary disruption of my flow 
> which was a result of the first days of my cycle...

I used to get that, but it was more tied with the full moon! I'm on
depo provera for migraine control so I don't seem to have any kind of
cycle that way now (just every couple of months I get a bit loopy).

> ....So, what? Is Paul Mckenna so boring that it drones you into 
> unconsciousness? LOL :) Nah that would be Kenny G!

No comment ;o)

> I also just started to use some foam earplugs.. It's interesting how 

> this brings you into a more "inner" state because it blocks out the 

> outside sounds but you can still hear your breathing and your 
> heartbeat, like being under water

Yes, I've tried that (I like in an apartment and can sometimes hear
the guy who lives upstairs watching TV), it's great. I've also found
that a constant "white" noise is helpful which I get through having 
floor standing fan running at night.

> So do you combine NoS with low carb at all? What is working for you?
> Good luck!

Thanks - I need it right now. I am having one of my periodic falls off
the chocolate wagon and have eaten two large packs of chocolate
raisins the past three days. I jsut scoff til I feel sick. Right now
I'm aiming to deal with that first before the whole WOE change, so I'm
trying to stick to NoS but with some of the principles of Paul
McKenna's slimming book (eating slowly really does have an amazing
effect!). I figure if I can get through 3 weeks without chocolate,
I'll be safe to move to the next step of dealing with the rest of my
new way of eating!

How's it working for you?


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