Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2867 of 3212

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Subject: thanks ladies!!
From: ivyliciousness
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:34:14 -0000

first of all, i want to say thank you soooo much to deb (and 
congrats on the loss of poundage :) and julie, you have no idea how 
nice it was to read both of your comments this morning, i cried (ya, 
i'm a baby lol) aaand i'm going to kill two birds w/ one stone and 
reply to both of you in this e-mail

>No, my son Richard would be the youngest NoSser.. He is nine years
>old... he does a 75% version of NoS... I just allow him to have a
>little after school *healthy* snack and maybe one extra sweet a
>week... (as opposed to the cookies every night last year, and coke 
>few times a week to boot)...
>He hasn't posted yet, but maybe I will join him up officially and he
>will give you his own special advice! Out of the mouths of babes...
what a great idea to get him started on GOOD eating habits now...and 
can't wait to officially hear from him :)

>When you have a "bad week" as you put it, just acknowledge it, 
>from it, and forgive yourself.. Then most importantly, move
that's another thing i have to work at...accepting my mistakes and 
just getting over it!! it's gonna happen though...i don't care how 
long it takes. i guess it was even worse because i was doing soo 
well w/ NoS before this week. i guess it's just something all of us 
go through at some point (except for the really lucky ones!!!)

>one "S" is your most damaging, maybe sweets?
ooooooh you couldn't be any more dead on :\

on to julie's reply...
>Emotional eating is a tough one and the only way i have found to 
>not succomb to it, is to not have the food around to eat. In other 

>words make your home/apt food safe for you. I am sure there are 
>certain foods you go for when you are emo. Dont have them around !!
i ate almost a whole pint of ben&jerry's last night (pistachio 
pistachio, if you're curious) :( and the 1st thing i thought of when 
i woke up this morning was "i need to get all of that crap food out 

of my room" i live in a dorm room and it's even harder to ignore all 

of the S's when they're RIGHT in front of you! bc it's not like i 
can "go into the other room..." this is the only one i have! lol as 

soon as i'm done writing this (sorry it's so long!) i'm going to 
chuck all of it. i was going to find people to give it to (bc i'm 
sure i could find people in my hall willing to accept free food!) 
but i think the actual disposal of the food will be satisfying. 
kinda symbolic, ya know? i'll let the dining hall be the source of 
my S's on the weekends

>Keep checking in and keep us posted so we can encourage you and be 

>there for you.
i definitely will :)

thanks so much again! believe it or not, this was a huuge help

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