Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2885 of 3212

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Subject: not a good week!!! help!
From: noteasilyled
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:27:16 -0000

I have not been able to NoS this past week! I don't know why! I feel 
like I'm testing myself, or self-sabotaging, because I was so happy 
during the first honeymoon period.... I just have to get this out 
there -- maybe it will help. What's wrong with me??? I haven't been 
able to stop defying this plan by snacking and eating sweets. I want 
to stop being so crazy, I really do. Has anyone else gone through a 
bad spate like this, and what got you out of it? I haven't gained 
weight, according to my measurements, because I am exercising. But 
if I don't get off the self-sabotage trail, who knows where this 
will end. I just want to regain my footing, and not my weight. 
Thanks for listening -- I feel slightly better already.

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