Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3061 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Shovel Glove Question. . .
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 23:54:49 -0000

--- In , "amm105" <amm105@y...> wrote:
> Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. It's been really 
hectic. I have a question about the shovel glove and its effect on a 
woman's body. 
.... You can expect to sweat and feel envigorated, also you will 
develop a "fearsome grip" :)

I like the results of the shovel glove. . .however, I want to trim 
down, not bulk up. Will it make a woman bulk up? Do any of you gals 
in the group shovel glove? Thanks in advance for any replies.
> Amy Mitchell

.....Hi Amy :)
Everyone is really unique, but as for me.. My arms have slimmed down 
nearly 2 inches and I certainly don't look any bulkier...
If you pardon my honest and frankness here, I really think the 
whole "bulking up" issue is fairly mythical and unfounded...
I'm not a personal trainer, but I will go a bit out on a limb to say 
it is my belief that you would have to really really really be 
lifting a very large amount of weight to increase your muscle mass 
to the point that you start to look "bulky"... More probably, you 

will just develop strength, tone and definition.... Take a good look 
at Reinhards pic... He just looks chiseled not like Goliath... 
Strong toned and lovely to look at!
Don't you think that would be a good thing to aspire to?
Just don't start popping roids and you should be fine :)
Being in shape is feminine Amy, so don't let others tell you it's 

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