Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3136 of 3212

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Subject: Re: A Smart Beginning
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 14:16:10 -0000

--- In , "backstagebetty77" 
<backstagebetty77@y...> wrote:
> Hi all. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled upon this group. My 
name is Karen, I am married with a 15 month old son named Benjamin. 
I have been using him as my excuse for not getting back in shape 
after the pregnancy. I quit my job when he was born, and this is the 
first time I have ever stayed at home for so long. 

...Hey Karen! Welcome :)
Congrats on your new motherhood status.... the hardest non-paid job 
I know what you're talking about... I didn't work full time untill 
my son was over 4 years old, and those first two years were killer 
hard... You're giving so much to Benjamin, now congratulate yourself 
for also making YOU a priority... I think most new moms have 
that "clean the plate" bad habit... Well here's two other options, 

tupperware, and le garbage...
I believe wasting food is a big time shame, so if your son doens't 
have a huge appetite, why not give him one less scoop of mac and 
cheese? As far as soda is concerned, if you can cut that out for 
even 50 percent of your usual intake, you will be helping yourself 
in huge ways! The great thing about NoS is that you really get a 
new chance every day, and it's designed to help you in the long 
I lost weight at about 3 different times since my son was born, with 
different short term fixes... but once I went "off" it all just came 

right back on over one year of terrible overeating... I am proud to 
say that I've been with NoS since last August and got through the 
rough Winter doldrums without packing on an additional 10-20 lbs...
My son Richard, who will be celebrating his ninth birthday next 
Tuesday, is doing a 75% version of NoS with me... We have cut 
snacking and sweets down to only 2 or 3 days a week for him, as 
opposed to every day last year, and he has dropped 2 inches from his 
previously, starting to get "husky" tummy...I am so proud of him... 

Just yesterday, my mom had offered him half of a baked potato.. Well 
our dinner wasn't totally ready yet and he simply said "Not right 

now grandma.. On NoS we have to wait until it's mealtime to eat.." I 

thought I would burst with happiness! There's nothing wrong with 
half a baked potato, but thank goodness he isn't falling into 
the "eat whenever food is presented to you" mode, and is practicing 

restraint... If we all ate all day, we would all get fat... Okay, if 
you are doing so much activity and are in the under 25 age range, 
this might not yet apply to you, but eventually, eating all day, 
results in gaining... As for me, I'd like to lose about 7 or 8 more 
inches from my waist, and somewhere between 30-40 lbs...I am 
starting to break my plateau again and I lost about 1.5 lbs this 
week, but because I am doing regular weight lifting with 
Shovelglove, my body isn't dropping weight as much as "fat and 
inches"... I am down about 3 inches from my waist and 2 inches from 

my arms... Yay!
So it's no little thing that NoS is a livable and "Sanity Friendly" 

plan, because, as Reinhard states in his homepage, unless you can 
see yourself on any diet for the rest of your life, you might as 
well not even start it... Most diet research backs this up... Don't 
worry if you don't get it perfect immediately... Long term success 
is like that "tortoise and hare" story... If you gear up for NoS to 

behave like other quicker methods, you will be disappointed, as it 
is really more a maintainence style of eating... I say, if you can 
focus on your worst habits first... the soda, and the "I am a plate 

cleaning vacuum mom mouth" then you will be off to a great start...
It took about 5 or 6 months to change my portion sizes, but I am 
thrilled to say, that it just happened naturally... painlessly...
You will be setting a great example for your whole family and 
especially your son who will follow in your footsteps.
Reinhard is the greatest group leader, and we are all the luckiest 
people for finding NOS! Write anytime you need a lift or feel like 
tooting your horn. We are all here to help :)

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