Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 367 of 3212

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Subject: Re: In it for the long-haul
From: Saleta
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 23:49:16 -0000
Yes, it makes perfect sence! Slow and steady wins the race! I 
agree whole heartedly. The no s diet is not just a diet it's a 
lifestyle change. Bad habbits like popping sweets into our mouth 
willy nilly, filling our plates as many times as our heart desires, 
and snacking on things just because they are there not because we 
are physiclly hungry are abolished in turn creating a healthier 
leaner us. It's a total package deal and I am loving it. I also love 
that I am not obssessing over food! Another person posted about 
their family was on the Atkins diet and all they did was talk about 
food and fixateon what they could and could not have. No counting, 
no points, just plain old common sence. It's great!

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