Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 774 of 3212

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Subject: Finally worked up the courage.
From: purpleldy1
Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 23:52:46 -0000
I finally worked up the courage to step on the scale today. I was as
afraid to, as I mentioned in my previous posts. I can't believe it
even though I have been not eating NoS regulation food for about 2 or
3 weeks. I am down 2lbs (that is even with my monthly friend for you
ladies out there)yeah. Do you know how long it has been since I lost
even one lb. Now I am thinking to myself if I continue to stay active
on a daily basis get more strict with myself on no sweets or Snacks(my
achilles heel)and in a couple more weeks ramp it up with some weight
training how much better could I be feeling. Just wanted to share my
thrill and excitment. Melanie

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