Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 806 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Help
From: TSHandelman@...
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 08:41:53 EDT
Reinhard, Thanks for the suggestions. I may be deceiving myself about how 

long I 've been doing nos and perhaps about what's on that plate! Self-deception 

can be a major problem with overweight. Meanwhile I am down two and a half 

pounds again so I just have to see but I am sticking with this because it is so 

much better than the way I was eating before -- little snacks off and on 

through the day and rarely really having a proper meal and yet gaining or 

maintaining extra pounds. This way of eating is so much saner. What's your feeling 

about skipping a meal if you're not hungry if it doesn't lead to a cycle of 

Hana, Thank you for you comments. I was on Atkins for a long time and do 

tend to think of fats as "free" and though they are not forbidden on nos 
anything else they can be overdone!
Does anyone know of an easy- to- program (cheap) pedometer?????
Thanks again, Sophie 

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