Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 106 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Greetings
From: Kevin Gooday
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 15:53:03 -0500
Well, at the mid point of day 2, let me tell you a bit more about my
I work in the athletic department of a high school. I'm not a teacher, 
not a coach, I just do random stuff. I'm basically an assistant athletic
director, though this district doesn't officially have one. The point of
this, is I make dirt for money, but the department makes up for it by giving
me kick backs. Coke, which we stock the machines throughout the school, 
sell at sporting events, is mine for the taking (and Dasani water is what 
sell, which is the sodium containing water...yuk).
This is kinda the point where it doesn't matter if I'm late, so long as 
in by the time school starts, I'm SUPPOSED to be there a half hour ahead 
Anyway...Yesterday I did well, until I realized I was going to dinner with
some old co-workers, we went to Baker's Square...Couldn't pass up some 
so I kinda made it a special day, that was all I did though, no snacks, 
Today at work, first we get the concession stand delivery in, so what do 
do for a half hour? Yeah, I stick M&M's and Snickers on a shelf. That 
hard to pass up, but I made it. Then we get a fund raiser rep. in showing
us his different candy options, and since last time he came around, we 
him 2 of our coaches buying from him, he gave us free samples...We each 
about 5 bags of M&M's. Wow, was it hard not eating them on the way 
I'll save 'em for those S days though.
Right now, I'm hungry, and wanting a snack, so I'm gonna go mow the lawn. 
guess 2 good things will come about with this, housework will get done 
Thanks again for listening, and giving out this whole idea.

"I'm treading the thin line between fat and phat."

----- Original Message -----
From: "Reinhard Engels" <beautiful_idiot@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Greetings

> Hi Kevin,
> Welcome and good luck! Here's my take on the two
> issues you raise:
> As for the pop, nothing beats water, obviously, but
> you might want to consider tea as well. If you have
> one of those hot water spigots at the cooler it's
> fast, and if they give away pop, they probably give
> away tea, too. If you are sensitive to caffeine, green
> tea is very weak and supposed to have all kinds of
> health benefits. Herbal teas have no caffeine. I'm not
> crazy about tea, I prefer coffee, but it's just so
> easy and less contentious in terms of health. It's
> hot, so you drink it slow, and the little ritual with
> the tea bag seems to fulfill my "looking for oral
> distraction" requirement.
> As for the pop-tarts/nutrigrain bars for breakfast
> issue, I'm not a picky eater, and since my wife needs
> to get up way before I do, I tend not to be in a huge
> rush in the mornings. So I can't speak to your problem
> from vast personal experience.
> I've always considered cold cereal pretty quick, but
> it sounds like you need to be out so fast you're
> eating in the car... not the most conducive
> environment to cheerio consumption. You know, 5 extra
> minutes might put cold cereal within striking range.
> Would setting the alarm clock 5 minutes earlier be out
> of the question? Or could you keep a stash of cereal
> and milk at work? Or do what I do, keep a stash of
> oatmeal, nuts and dried fruit at work (though I
> usually eat this for lunch). If you could do one of
> these it would expand your horizons significantly.
> There are *a lot* of different kinds of low/no sugar
> cereal.
> Bread is also a big category - it's not just toasted
> wonder or thomases english muffins. Mix it up with a
> different cheese and a different piece of fruit every
> morning and even the same old bread can seem novel. I
> don't know your exact tastes in this depeartment, but
> spend some time seriously scoping out the bakery,
> cheese and fruit sections are your supermarket.
> I'll wrack my brains about it a bit, but for the time
> being I'd suggest not letting this problem be a diet
> breaker for you. Pop tarts are clearly out. But
> nutrigrain bars might be considered temporarily exempt
> until you can think of something less sugary. After
> all, they are *marketed* as healthy, and all things
> considered, are probably less awful for you than pop
> tarts. Emphasis on 'temporary,' and don't let it be
> every day. Hopefully you'll get enough alternatives
> suggested here in this group (and by the mother of
> invention) that you won't have to resort to this
> often/at all.
> Reinhard
> --- General Gravy <gravy@...> wrote:
> > I stumbled upon this site today through ask jeeves.
> > I don't remember
> > the question I had, but it wasn't even about weight
> > loss. I decided
> > that this may very well be the way I've been looking
> > for to loose
> > weight all this time. I've gained ~60 pounds in the
> > last 4 years,
> > most being in the last 2 years. The other night I
> > decided I was
> > going to stop drinking pop like I do...Which is
> > constantly. It's
> > hard since I get it free at work, and the bottled
> > water here has a
> > significant amount of sodium, so you just end up
> > more thirsty after
> > drinking it, but I'm gonna do it. This is just one
> > step up for me,
> > and I'm pretty sure I can handle most of it right
> > off the bat, and
> > all of it soon. Thanks for making this availible.
> >
> > Now for a question that I know has been addressed,
> > but not "to my
> > satisfaction." Breakfast, I wake up litterally 2
> > minutes before I'm
> > supposed to be at work, and it's a 20 minute drive.
> > (yes I'm late
> > every day, but that's a whole 'nother story)
> > Nutrigrain bars and pop
> > tarts have been a Godsend to me. Not only that but
> > I'm a VERY picky
> > eater, and most common breakfast foods are not to my
> > liking. I do
> > love a good bowl of Cheerios or something like that,
> > but I frankly
> > don't have the time for them. Toast is great,
> > english muffins
> > too...but every day? I don't think I'd like
> > that...Any other ideas
> > out there...Maybe there was some of this addressed,
> > and I either
> > glanced over it or missed it in the archive, sorry
> > if it is just a
> > repeat. Thanks for the help!!
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> >

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