Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1721 of 3212

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Subject: firrst day
From: eternalrock1
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:01:59 -0000

Well its my first day of nos, its almost 9am and for whatever reason 
i am already hungry, even after eating an egg and toast for 
breakfat. I am never hungry before 11a.m. Good grief.Well i am in 
this for the long haul and will just have to live with it and eat 
more tomorrow morning.I am craving a cinnamon crunch bagel from 
Panera, God help me.Friday is a great day to start this by the way. 
I am talking to my 13yo daughter about this and hoping to convince 
her to join me. She has been trying to lose weight the last 2 months 
and is doing better but just needs a bit more incentive.I have a 
strong feeling this is going to work for me and i promise not to 
free for all this weekend.:) julie

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