Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1728 of 3212

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Subject: photo Deb
From: lee33183
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:01:04 -0000

Nice photo Deb. Your son is adorable. My boys are 24 and 20. I 
guess my oldest boy is 56. :)

I may get brave enough to put a picture. This is the first group I 
have ever joined and have never chatted. I have always been scared 
of that but I have really enjoyed this group. I feel safe.

Since I haven't weighed I don't know if I have lost but last week I 
did feel lighter but these last 2 days I feel chunky. PMS I think.

I will weight Nov. 1. It is a bit scarey because I don't want to be 
too disappointed if nothing changed.

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