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--- In , Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote: > > --- Debbie FedeFederbodeborahfederlmtmhotmail> wrote: ....LOL! This is the way my name comes out in that song "The Name Game" :) It's like the computer had the hiccups! > >> I think the rubber stamp set is a great idea, if only > I had the foggiest notion how to go about implementing > it. .....I will do some research and see if I can clear the fog :) .. A calendar web site for slashing out/stamping > days on habit, that I could do. It could be optionally > public, if you wanted the encouragement of knowing > other people were monitoring your progress, or > private, if you're shy. If people are interested in > this, let me know. > > Reinhard ....That seems pretty cool, however I think there must be some satisfying thing about the tactile quality of ritualistically taking out the "red marker of power" or stamping the living "S" out of the calendar for real :) Still, the website is a great idea in the meantime! By the way, what the heck is going on with Alexa? I would almost feel tempted to say, take *that* off your homepage until it actually says something other than "be the first to write a review" or, alternatively, "review info temporarily unavailable"... I know that both Dave Perspicacious and myself both submitted reviews...so where are they? Lame... I have to eat dinner now, it's overdue and I did 3 massages today... I guess you have to be careful what you wish for, when I said "I need structure" on UR, I got instant results :) Certainly can't complain... Things have been so slow till today. Peace, Deb |
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