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--- In , "julie" <eternalrock1@y...> wrote: > > > My DH keeps asking about walking with me and I am nearly done giving him excuses. ....Ah youth! :) > I looked at Reinhards photos today and thought again to > myself will I ever be described as LEAN again. Yes he has certainly set the bar high,that one will never cease to be inspiring :) I like to keep that one onscreen when I do Shovelglove... If you can visualize it you can do it! Even the frying pan (which I'm not sure I get) is inspiring too, like a kitchen deity's culinary excalibur, lol... I wonder if he can cook too? LOL (just teasing Rein, you know :) That picture gives new meaning to the phrase,,,, Lean Cuisine. ....Believe it girl! Inside there's a lean mean fighting machine waiting to just tear up the world :) Mazel Tov Jools! You should be really proud of yourself :) I am really glad you have made it to week four! The biggest physical and mental changes have already happened and you did it! With your personality and fun attitude, these three weeks seem to have just flown by :) (for you, for me they are passing like the drip drip drip of a leaky faucet! LOL ) Love, Deb |
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