Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2041 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Day 5
From: fabio_n_liberace
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 18:46:58 -0000

--- In , Mary Costanzo <maryecost@y...> wrote:
> Today is day 5 on NoS -- I've had breakfast & lunch and will be 

taking my son out to dinner for his 20th birthday. Shouldn't be a 
problem. I realize that tomorrow is an S day, but I have no idea 
what S's I want to have!!! I will just try to not go overboard.
> Mary
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Today is day 6 for me and so far, so good, well...great actually. 
I'm learning a lot about what habits I have, the good and bad ones. 
Yea, today is my first S day as well and its been dandy. I've not 
had an indulgences as of yet, strangely..I wanted my bowl of cereal 
and milk up until this point only. I suppose that's a good habit 
already taking root.

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