Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2641 of 3212

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Subject: Wow
From: Bonnie's Mail
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 09:07:17 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Well I had a little candy flip out....that candy has been calling my name 
the shop all week, late yesterday I decided to have a snickers, it was an 
day afterall and I had another very good week.
Once I start though! I starting attacking taffy...and licorice, then
cappuccino!! Well today I may do an S as it is an S day, but I will try 
to do sugar, it is like opening the floodgates....and I was never into 
before! But I think because my attack was all within a short time, and 
an angel the rest of the day...due to a sugar induced coma no doubt....I
lost half a pound from the day before.
Since I stopped the low carbing, as it was not being done faithfully,
therefore not working for me, and have cut out eating little bits all day 
avoid the hypoglycemia, that low carb was supposed to help with, but now
that I look back, I think I must eat a bit of whole grain and fruit to 
the blood sugar level...mine gets too low otherwise.
Anyway, I am doing much better with no S than anything else, but I do have
one fruit popsicle after work at night. This is my only cheat during the
Weekdays, and this works for me. Like when one of my brothers quit smoking,
he had on on Thursdays at an Art Club he went to. What willpower I thought!
eventually he gave up that one, and felt so proud. 99 percent can work 
some of us!

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