Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2642 of 3212

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Subject: Re: joining (and also a thank you to Deb)
From: crazymom23boys1girl
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 18:51:06 -0000

Welcome, banakabwe! As you can probably tell from reading the last 
week's messages, I'm new, too. Doesn't it feel great to have finally 
found a diet that actually sounds sensible and doable? 

Best wishes as you head into your first week of No-S days.

Deb, thanks for your encouragement. I decided this weekend that I'm 
going to allow myself a cup of sweetened tea (either with sugar or 
sugar substitute) after meals while I try to get used to living 
without chocolate. That should help with the cravings somewhat, 
satisfy my comfort needs, and still be fewer calories than I'm 
taking in now. Also, this weekend my dh and I decided to join the 
YMCA. I'm really looking forward to getting some exercise for the 
first time in 14 years. I thought about taking up shovelgloving, but 
I think it will be better for me to have an excuse to get out of the 
house and do something for myself for a change. I have 4 kids 
between the ages of 3 and 13. I homeschool the 11 year old, and the 
3 and 5 year olds are also home with me all day, so I feel pretty 
housebound most of the time.

Take care,

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