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Subject: Hi All :)
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:54:54 -0000

Hey people how's it hanging? :)
Okay, here I go again... I managed to have a great first week and a 
really sketchy one last week, in my attempt at 3 great weeks in 
succession... So I give myself a B+ and a new class is beginning 
We had a virus last week and Richard had symptoms from Wednesday 
till Monday... So, we were really home quite a lot more than normal, 
even for Winter... I had one official "sick day" last week and 

yesterday was just a boring stressful day at home so by the time 
evening came I overate and paid the price...It's funny because, at 
this point, if I have a real overeating session, I feel like I am 
going to exploded! It wasn't even that much! Just half a bag of 
microwave popcorn and, of all weird foods,,, a bowl of lima beans 
with some tomato sauce! Talk about weird! LOL :) ... Well, things 
have been getting pretty bad with power struggles and incessant 
conflict between mom and I... My practice is building so slowly and 
I am not self sufficient yet, so it's a bad Catch 22, and as much as 
I would like to move out, at the moment it just isn't at all 
possible...I'm working on it though, and I hope we can move sometime 
really soon...It's very frustrating to say the least. I know that I 
wouldn't have eaten the way I did if I wasn't seeking some "comfort" 

and relief from this totally disfunctional relationship... It was an 
unhealthy motive to eat and it wasn't even enjoyable... Who could 
believe that "snacks" have turned into something *unenjoyable*? 

(hey maybe they never were and I was simply eating in some sort of 
food coma!) By the time bedtime rolled around, I was still really 
stressed, and the "old" me would have continued to binge, regardless 

of hunger or fullness, but I am really happy and proud to say that 
even when I could have reverted back to my old destructive 
behaviour, I chose to grab some water, stir in a little of my new 
wonder-elixir "Emergen C" (just vitamins and potassium...) and I 

went to bed... So as disgusting as I felt physically from being 
stuffed, I embrace that experience wholeheartedly because it was a 
great lesson and one in which I was able to be both "unconscious 
eating out of stress old me" and, the same time "new me" looking 

almost as if from the sidelines of a bad football game... Wanting 
those new habits to pulverize the old ones...Well they are really 
coming along, and next time I will try to remember how great it 
feels to be able to go to sleep knowing I did my best...Being inside 
for the cold months is such a trap... It gets pretty boring even 
when you try to occupy the time, so this is really up against me 
Anyway, I think I did pretty well overall and had 7 good N days out 
of a potential 10 for two weeks... I still have SG'ed (except on 
the "sick" day) and I am going to start today, to slash out 10 fresh 

N days... Yes theres a break here guys, so call it what you will, 
but I feel so happy that my momentum isn't simply crushed and I am 
not demoralized at all, that I want to be nice and give myself 
credit for, at least a great first week....So I'll let you know how 
it all goes in a week or two :)
Good Luck to all my amigos! Old and New :)
Peace and Love,

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