Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2661 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] update
From: cat
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:03:29 -0500

julie that is fantastic about your daughter congrats to her :) she should start a 
chapter at her school 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: julie 
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:45 PM
Subject: [nosdiet] update

HI Everyone,

Just checking in and was greatly inspired by everyones post today. I 
weighed this morn and am down a total of 5#. I am still diligently 
using the treadmill and enjoying it. Was actually more than useful 
last night as our heat stopped working in the house and it was 40 
out. so i was cold and got real heated up on the mill. Dual funtions 
i love it :) I have a long way to go to my goal weight but i am 
sticking with it.
An update on my 13yo who started this with me last year. drum roll 
please....... she has gone from a size 13 to a size 7 . She is a new 
person. She also has cut way down on her diet pepsi(like mom like 
daughter)because it makes her feel bloated(sodium and carbonation)we 
are all so excited for her that she has done this for herself. noone 
forced her to. Now she is counseling friends and telling them about 
the NOS diet, so dont be surprised to start seeing more teens 
posting some day soon. So much healthier and life giving than 
anorexia and bulemia. This weekend we took out of her closet another 
bag full of clothes that are falling off of her.:)))))) we are going 
shopping again after work today for a few things to see her through. 
She now has inches to lose and firming up in her tummy.

On another note: I believe we all know what our "best weight is" so 

i believe it is best to get to the weight of which i consider my 
safe weight. I am 5'6 and weighed 175# Jan.1st. My safe weight where 
i feel the best, most energy is 125# Now most people would be like 
OMG that is way too thin. but i know when i am at that weight( which 
i was 4 years ago) how i feel. Incredible, Sexy, Energetic, Youthful 
I truthfully and whole heartedly want to see myself that way again.
So all of this to say, don't let other people set your goals for 
you. If you know in your "knower " what you should weigh. Then go 

for it. If you have never weighed that "## " but want to, then try 

it, if you decide its too thin once you get there, we all know what 
to do to put it back on now don't we :) I hope this helps some one 
today, its been on my mind as people tend to ask " how much are you 

trying to lose when they find out you are on a new diet" I just want 

to tell them MYOB ( to put it nicely !)So set your short term goals 
and your long term goals, we need them both to do this. 

A goal analogy for you: When I was bidding a large granite job last 
year to do in the Bahamas this year. I didn't bid the job saying to 
myself i will just bid one building and see how it goes, i bid all 
seven buildings with the belief i would get all 7 buildings.That was 
my long term goal. We would complete the work in one building at a 
time(short term goals and progress) If i had as my goal to just get 
one of the buildings, the corp. would have laughed me out of the 
boardroom and said my belief in my company wasn't going to cut it 
for this project, By the way- i did get the contract for the 7 
buildings and we start in March. It will be our best year ever in 
business!! So very glad I went for the whole enchilada and not just 
one bite ! SO believe in yourselves, go for the whole enchilada one 
bite at a time.My goals are set high at 55#, but they are doable, 
because I believe in myself, this group, this NOS diet. Thanks for 
everyones love and encouragement. 
I am not usually this wordy,so dont get used to it :)
Love to all JOOLS


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