Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2662 of 3212

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Subject: My update
From: Michael Caricofe
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:01:40 -0800

I'm in the middle of my second week, and it's going very well. My
first week was amazingly simple. I tend to eat a lot; it was just a
matter of rescheduling it all to fir into three meals with nothing in
between. That part was easy. One of my goals to work on is eating less

At the end of my first week ever (last week) I had some key lime
chocolate candies that I had been saving all week for the weekend as a
reward. I was up late Friday night, and I ate some of them at about
1am Fri night/Sat morning. It was a technicality, but one that I need
to try not to let happen again. I also didn't have nearly the amount
of sweets over the weekend that I thought I might (I figured I'd binge
all weekend to make up for the week of not having them).

All in all, I thank you, Reinhard, for having come up with this
system. It's great!!!!!

Hungry now. Time for lunch.


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