Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2665 of 3212

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Subject: Mikes update/ More praise for NOS/ Tight undergarments
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 15:14:57 -0000

--- In , Michael Caricofe <mcaricofe@g...> 
> I'm in the middle of my second week, and it's going very well. My
> first week was amazingly simple. 

....Hey that's great news Michael! Glad it's so simple for you. 
More reason to stick with it... Simplicity is the key to NoS 
sustainability...Other diets might be more alligned with the latest, 
uptodate, state of the art, analysis on perfect nutrition but the 
problem is that no one stays on them... Okay quick glory when you 
lose 60 lbs in 6 months, but it fades fast when 3 years later you 
aren't really watching anymore and "bam" your overweight again.
Well at least that was the way it was for me... The quick fix diets 
are like trying to put on 200 little bandaids on your eating 
patterns, and they don't stay on for long... NoS is like putting on 
a diving suit.. it's tight in some places but you still can move, 
and you can chose to take it off (s days), but once it's on you 
should be able to move around while it functions with not a lot of 
messing around or though involved. Mainly it's got structure and 
integrity, unlike the bandaids.
Another one which is definitely funnier that my diving suit thing, 
is from Garth, in the most excellent, "Waynes World"
When the evil corporate buyout guys asked if he liked the new tv set 
for their cable show he replied,,,"It's like a pair of new 
underwear...At first it's restrictive, but then it becomes a part of 
you..." :)
So NoS is like new underwear, okay. After a while, they still "hold 

you up" (ha ha) but become more comfortable. 

> I also didn't have nearly the amount of sweets over the weekend 
that I thought I might (I figured I'd binge all weekend to make up 
for the week of not having them)

....That is great! See, once in a while we all can really surprise 
ourselves...It's our minds that limit us, but they can also free 
us...When you set your sights high, and put a lot of effort into a 
good week, I feel that this really bolsters your self control... And 
succeeding becomes a reward in itself, so it's not surprising that 
certain "binge" foods lose some of their lustre, they are not as 

necessary to you for your happiness, because *YOU* are creating that 
in a new, and very empowering way...You are filling that "emptiness" 

that binging used to try and fill, without success... Great job 
Mike, congrats on your good efforts! 
Have a nice day all, yesterday was a prime NoS/SG day for me and the 
week's off to a great start...
Love and Peace,

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