Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2681 of 3212

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Subject: Re: A tiny snack -- didn't want to explain
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:34:17 -0000

--- In , Michael Caricofe <mcaricofe@g...> 
> I feel awful, because not only did I have a snack, but one of them 

was a sweet. And I did it just because I was too lazy to explain my
current mindset and eating habits. How do you guys refuse things
offered to you in the course of a normal day?

...Michael :) Don't feel awful for such a tiny deviation, that 
isn't going to help...
I've been on NoS for months now and it's a day to day learning 
process... Start new right now :)
As for a polite way to handle the offer of "snack" food here's two 

1. Wrap it up and take it home for part of your dinner, then you 
can enjoy it with no guilt attached...
2. Just say "That looks delicious, but I am cutting out eating 
inbetween meals" You don't have to get too indepth with lengthy 
explainations, and I feel anyone who has a brain in their head will 
respect you and won't get offended.

I actually brought in a couple of home made cookies last month to my 
chiropractor and partner Robert, but he just said "No thanks"... I 

know he has had weight problems too, so I just understood that he 
was trying to cut calories and just gave them to someone else.
Now, if you are trying to cut people off at the "pass" so as not to 

be tempted, it is perfectly okay to tell the people working with 
you "I started a new plan and please don't bring any snacks my way 

since they are hard to resist and I want to lose some weight"...
Out of sight out of mind...
Good luck :)

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