Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2682 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] I overate today and feel pretty gross...
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:46:13 -0500

Hugs from me, too, Debbie. Vegetable soup can't do too much harm in the 

long run but I know that overstuffed feeling and I hate it too. Ummm, did 

your soup not have any protein in it? How about fat? Both of those are 

satiating in a way that carbs and maybe even fiber are not. You may not 

have yourself entirely to blame--blame the recipe if it was vegetables alone 

in fat-free broth. I was never so unsatisfied in my life than the few times 

as a crazy teenager that I tried something unbalanced like the Rice & Fruit 

Diet. I could never feel full no matter how much I ate.


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