Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2683 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] A tiny snack -- didn't want to explain
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:57:45 -0500

Everyone had some good suggestions but here's one more response that I would 

probably use. I'd say, "Wow, those look great! I'm not hungry right now, 

but can I save them for later?" And then, being a woman, I'd probably go 

into all sorts of questions about ingredients and so on (if I were asking 

the person who made them). If someone offered me their very special 
homemade cookies or something, I'd be sure to come back and tell them *after 

the weekend* how good they were (if they were!). After all, "later" can 

mean anything, right? Or, what is more likely, I'd break off *one bite* so 

I could respond immediately, then walk away still holding the rest of it (to 

put away for later). Maybe some can't do that yet but I've gotten so I can 

have just one square inch for a taste, and stop...especially because nearly 

all sweets are too sweet for me any more.

Those of us who have eaten for reasons other than hunger for most of our 

lives sometimes don't realize how unnatural it is. I know several (slender) 

people (my brother is one) who simply *cannot* eat unless they are 
hungry--and they generally get hungry right at mealtime. They would respond 

in exactly the way I have described. If I were the one offering the food, 

I'd understand and not be a bit bothered--as would most people, I think.


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