Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2703 of 3212

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Subject: hello
From: banakabwe
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 18:49:35 -0000

i joined and began the nosdiet last week, thanks for the welcome 
though i had trouble posting so i hope i can do so now.

It's been a good week though i just pigged out unnecessarily today. 
I lost a friend and i won't be able to make her funeral out of town.
Anyway i sent mail which got lost to introduce myself, banakabwe is 
a title it means mother of "kabwe" my first child a boy. i have 4 

kid, 2 of each,They are between 7 yrs and 6mths old. I live in 
Zambia, Africa, i am a chartered management accountant working for a 
I did well during the week - i weighed 110Kgs /240 pounds i beleive 
i shifted a couple of pounds.I am failing on the exercise but i 
hoping to focus on that this week.
Nosdiet is simple and for me good as i have been trying to focus on 
willpower and taking control of my life again. You can imagine 
chasing around with the kids , a fulltime job etc.

My ideal weight would be 80Kgs/176 # i am about 5, 8 feet. i have 
felt much better this week and seem to see a change in my metabolism 
when i still to 3 meals only.
I have been reading the daily digests, they are a great read. I 
spent 6 years in the UK, a couple in Oxford, then Luton/dunstable 
and finally London when i studied.I also a sister in NY.
I look forward to more participation and encouragement. I wish you 
all a great no s week and will be in touch.
Priscilla /Banakabwe

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