Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2704 of 3212

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Subject: Re: hello
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 22:27:23 -0000

--- In , "banakabwe" <mpunduc@z...> wrote:

> I lost a friend and i won't be able to make her funeral out of 
....Sorry about your friend, hang in there :)
Consolation with food is such a difficult thing to let go of for so 
many of us, don't worry about today, you deserve a break.. It is 
definitely a day worthy of an "S"... Just try to keep it from 

becoming an S month...

I look forward to more participation and encouragement. I wish you 
> all a great no s week and will be in touch.
> Priscilla /Banakabwe

.....Hey that's pretty cool! For a minute I thought you were 
a "Wannabe banana" with dyslexia or something... LOL
I guess I would be a banakabwe too...
Boy that would be hard to sing in the "name game" LOL...
Good luck Priscilla!
Debanakabwe :)

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