Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2706 of 3212

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Subject: a question...
From: ivyliciousness
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:12:49 -0000

first of all, hello to everybody in the group...i joined last 
wednesday when i found out about noS, but i've just been observing. 
although i went a little crazy on my first s-days, things are going 
really well.

now on to my question...
i'm in college and i was just wondering where drinking fits into the 
noSdiet. i almost never drink beer, just mixed drinks (see: cape 
codders, screwdrivers, and the occassional rum and coke) and shots. 
should i restrict these to S days only? or does it not matter. thanks 
for the input :)


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